Luggage Free Luggage Shipping Semester At Sea

HomeFAQs Ship to USA

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book?

Ship your luggage home - Order Now

How much does it cost?

Shipping from Thailand to the USA

Description (size) Carry-on Checked Oversized
Weight (lbs) 0-25lbs. 26-50lbs. 51-65lbs.
Price $240 $320 $400

Can I send my luggage to a different country?

Absolutely! To view pricing to over 180 countries, click here and enter your destination country and address.

How does my shipment need to be packaged?

Items need to be packaged inside of a luggage piece (roller, duffle, etc.), a trunk, or a sturdy cardboard shipping box.

Are there any items I cannot ship?

Please do not include any hazardous materials (e.g. perfumes or cologne), food, liquids (e.g. alcohol) or any electronics including laptop computers and iPads. Including prohibited items will delay your shipment.

When will my shipment be delivered?

All items will be delivered in 3-5 business days.

Do I need to print my shipping documents?

No, the Luggage Free team will be on-site in Thailand and will have your shipping labels printed and prepared for you. You do not need to print your shipping documents.

Does someone need to sign for my shipment when it is delivered?

No. The driver will leave your shipment if he feels it’s safe . In the absence of that, a door tag will be left, which can be signed prompting the driver to leave your shipment the next business day.

How will I know when my shipment was delivered?

We will e-mail when your shipment is delivered.

What about insurance?

Each shipment comes with $500 of insurance. You can purchase additional insurance for $12.99 per $1,000 of additional coverage. Please note, we cannot insure electronic items such as laptops and tablets, or fragile items such as glass, art or ceramics.

Can I track my bags?

Yes! Tracking details will be provided immediately upon order placement. Our team of agents will also track your bags through delivery.

Can you help me pack and/or provide me with boxes?

Unfortunately, we can only accept items ready to be shipped.

Any countries that you cannot serve?

There are a few countries that will not allow this service (the importation of unaccompanied personal effects), which are:

To be clear, we can ship things to these countries, but the recipient will have to go clear the shipment from customs, which can be arduous, time consuming, and expensive. Therefore, we generally discourage it.

How can I contact you?

Email – – is the best way. You can also call us at +1.212.453.1579.

Having trouble placing an order?

Simply contact us at the information above and our agents will assist.